Know Your Own Health

What does Health & Wellbeing Coaching consist of?

Health & Wellbeing Coaching, delivered as an intervention, usually consists of 5-6 sessions – although this is tailored to the individual and some may need more or fewer.  Where more are needed, this is usually only 2 or 3 more, although some may benefit from another full round of 5-6 sessions either straight away or later on.

The first session is 1 hr and the rest of the sessions are 45 minutes.

Why these specific timings?

The first session involves ‘agenda-setting’, or ‘contracting’ and often a questionnaire or two as well as eliciting the patient’s story.  This therefore takes a bit longer than a standard session.

In our experience, 45 minutes is the optimal time for all other sessions. More time and the session risks becoming more of a counselling session – the 45 mins keeps it focused; less time and it risks being rushed and therefore less effective – the 45-minutes ensures that the coach has time to listen and the patient has time to think.

What does the NHS Framework guidance say?

The guidance aligns closely with this, stating a standard 6 sessions of 45-50 minutes.